Section 26 of the Education Act 1998 promotes the establishment of a Parents-Staff Association (PSA) open to all parents of students in any given school. 

At ETSS Wicklow, all parents and guardians automatically become members of the PSA

The National Parents' Council provides a lot of important information to support a new PSA:

In October, parents and guardians met in order to elect a committee to run the PSA throughout the academic year.

At this meeting, a calendar of further meetings for the year was decided and the new committee hopes to provide opportunities for training courses of interest to parents and guardians during the year: Staff members have agreed to attend committee meetings to create the strongest possible links between the work of the association and the school. 

We believe that a strong PSA is essential to the work of the school and we rely on parental support. The parent representatives on the Board of Management report back to the PSA and request as needed members of the PSA for working groups developing policy documents. The PSA also supports school events and we hope to see as many parents and guardians as possible attending special occasions and helping with fundraising initiatives. There will also be special events during the year to provide a social platform for parents to get to know each other. 

Follow this link to read the PSA Constitution. 

Reports from Meetings

Agreed Reports from PSA meeting held in May

Discussed ways to increase the attendance at PSA meetings. 

Suggestion for monthly coffee mornings for parents to come together- Ceire to facilitate. Craig delivered the staff liaison report which included many highlights such as: 

• Representatives from OIDE filming a good practice video as part of the FADP initiative that the school is piloting. This involves using digital technologies to improve teaching and learning. 

• Our annual Model United Nations event, WICKMUN, took place in the school from 19th – 20th April with schools from across the country in attendance. • ETSS Wicklow won €20,000 worth of IT equipment from Irish rugby star Jack Conan and local TD Steven Matthews were in attendance to present the prize. 

• ETSS Wicklow coders attended a session in Microsoft Dreamspace, their prize for receiving 1st prize in the EU Code Week competition. • We began a unique partnership with the Way Ahead Centre for training our TY’s as baristas. This unique partnership allows students to receive a qualification to work in any café in Ireland. 

• ETSS Wicklow was awarded the Green Flag. 

• A contingent from ETSS Wicklow travelled to Galway to judge and present the Colm Kehoe cup to the winning school of the ETSS National Debating Competition, a great privilege. 

• Our Junior Ambassadors attended an awards ceremony for the completion of the EPAS program at Eurofund HQ in Loughlinstown. Sarah delivered the report from the Board of Management: 

• Student council reported on recent charity work – Book drive and campaign for the school • Progress of action plan for numeracy in the school as part of the DEIS action plan was discussed. 

• Advisory Board of Studies submitted a report on Peer Observation and TL21 update – exploring differentiation in the classroom. • Plans to use OneNote more collectively in the school and to use it as part of differentiation. Sub-committee led by Ali on how to use it. Staff training on cohesive approach to OneNote in September. • Staff reported on recent trips and successes. 

• Board approved AUP policy and AEN policy. Substance Abuse Policy 

• Parents and guardians suggested removing the segment that prohibits alcohol being given away as a prize due to its fundraising potential for the school community. New School Build Campaign Update 

• Acknowledgement from Stephen O’Brien (secretary to Norma Foley) - Enquiries have been made and further updates will follow. 

• Stephen Donnelly (17th April) – Stephen has raised all of the highlighted issues with Minister Foley. An architectural consultant has been hired to assess a potential site which has been identified. 

• Acknowledgement from Steven Matthews to student council – he will put the case to Minister of Education in person and in writing. Followed up in writing after receiving letter from President of Student Council. 

• 5 th Year PolSoc students to write letter to Simon Harris about potential voters he will have if he helps speed up the process and plan to have minister Harris ‘turn the sod’ on the new location. School Fundraisers- Lotto Fundraiser. 

• Board of Management has approved running the Lotto Fundraiser. 

• Lotto rep has said she will need 2/3 parents to assist in the administration of launching the lotto. 

• Margaret Kennedy and Tara Crawford volunteered. School looking at how to use funding to reduce the costs of materials for parents.

Agreed Reports from PSA Meeting held on 19th Mar 2024;

New School Campaign- PSA Draft Letter & Student Council Letter

  • As discussed in last meeting, couple of parents have shared their inputs to Raguram, based on that the letter has been amended.  Following points also discussed in the meeting; concerns over specialist classrooms and their capacity, PE Hall leaking and black mould to be added to the letter and changing rooms off limit due to the presence of mould, include pictures of flooding and black mould and visuals of the limited facilities. Address of school and Secondary school added to the letter. Hard Copies to be sent to local TD’s and the Department of Education.  

  • Letter from Students: Sarah met with the students about the amendments for their letter to TD’s. They are currently working on their video version with Grace, and this is nearly ready to send out. Tara suggested having the kids on Eastcoast FM to discuss their video.  

Staff Liaison Report  

  • Ceire delivered the staff report.  

Board Of Management Report

  • Sarah delivered the BOM report. Student council are looking for fundraising initiative such as a book drive to buy books for a library space. Advisory Board of study TL21 in conjunction with Blackrock Education centre – focus on differentiation in the classroom. Student advisory board had great ideas to put forward for this as well. Peer Observation Week discussed and the professional development that this offers all staff. Feedback from the WSE was excellent about the teaching and learning in the school. Erasmus plus funding secured by Esther and Sheena which is excellent. Attendance drives taking place in the school – focusing on each class group.  

AUP Policy

  • Parents happy with amended proposed sanctions for mobile phone use in school. The Student Council were also consulted about this. Parents/ Guardians, students and staff will be made aware of this new AUP policy once it has been ratified by the Board.  

School Fundraisers

  • Lions Club Table Quiz – €900 raised from the two quizzes – thank you to Margaret for organising this. Next Table Quiz scheduled on Sat. 23rd March. MUN Volunteers – Ceire to send around a list for volunteers for WICKMUN.  

Lotto Fundraiser

  • Very lucrative for the school, and well managed by the company and would have great benefits for student experiences. PSA in agreement, request to limit signage around the school promoting it. Awaiting approval of Board of Management.


  • School won a prize of €20,000 in ICT grant announced and there will be a ceremony to present this in April, Jack Conan will hopefully be in attendance.  

Next PSA Meeting Date Thursday 9th May 2024  

Agreed Reports from PSA Meeting held on 18h Jan 2024;

  • Previous meeting minutes have been approved by PSA (proposed by Tara Crawford and seconded by Eilis Ginty)

  • Based on the assessment done by Craig on bus leasing it was agreed that this is not feasible.

  • The draft letter on behalf of PSA has been prepared by Raguram and distributed to everyone.  Whoever wishes to add more points are asked to send their inputs to Raguram to add in to the draft.   

  • 3 set of jerseys have sponsored by 3 different businesses/organizations.

  • The school lotto draw system was introduced by the ‘OurFundraiser’ company representative Nicola McGinley. The service fee is 23%. 77% goes to the school issued at the end of the month, there is no set time for the lotto system contract and there are no penalties to cancel membership. A lot of other schools using this company- funds raised are high for the school.  It can easily be cancelled by participants on the screen where they pick the numbers. Concerns raised over the moral aspect and impact on voluntary fund.

  • The staff liaison report was delivered by Craig.

  • Sarah presented the updated report from the Board of Management. Niall Wall presented the board about a potential site for the permanent school site. Revised Assessment policy and input from the Student Council on it. Pilot program with Dep. Of Education: Digital portfolio for formative student assessment. A proposal of a school trip to Iceland in October 2026 has been presented by Robert- 4 days, 3 nights approx. 1100, cost reduced for higher numbers of students attending.

  • Suggestions were made by the PSA to the Student Council letter for TD’s.

  • Proposed changes on the Code of Behaviour were highlighted and accepted by PSA.

  • Proposed changes on the Attendance Policy were highlighted and accepted by PSA.

  • Proposed changes on AUP policy were highlighted, concerns over confiscation of phones overnight. Agreed to come back to this at next meeting.  

  • School Fundraisers- Lions Club Table Quiz the school had 13.5 tables improvement on last year. The proceeds from the Winter fare were 1061.81 Euro- a big improvement on last year.

  • Parent Surveys WSE- school will send out surveys to the parents tomorrow on behalf of the Inspectorate. Please complete.

Next PSA Meeting Date on 17th Mar 2024.